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Begins: 2pm June 20th
Ends: 10pm June 22nd
Big Cross in Groom
I-40, Exit 112, Groom, TX
Thank you so much for participating in this historic event!

We are believing that through this tent meeting, the glory of God will cover the panhandle, spark revival and change the atmosphere across Texas.

Church Leader Information:
  • Each county will be assigned a two-hour time slot during the event to lead us in worship and prayer at the cross.
  • Each church in a county can worship together to fill the two-hour time slot, or split the time evenly to allow each church to lead worship how they normally do.
  • For example, if your county has two churches leading worship, each church can lead worship for one hour.
  • If your county has three churches leading worship, you can split the time evenly, allowing each church to lead worship and prayer for 40 minutes each.
  • We encourage you to lead worship as you’re led because this is your time! Feel free to split the time or worship together. These are only guidelines to help.
  • Since we’re accommodating all counties of the panhandle, changes to your county’s assigned time slot are unfortunately not possible.
In the Spirit of Unity:

This is a non-denominational gathering. All denominations, whether Catholic, Protestant, etc., all of God’s children are invited to worship and pray together at the cross.

The goal of this tent meeting is to set aside any dividing factors and simply come together as the body of Christ to worship Jesus; gathering as the people of the panhandle, united to see the glory of God move in unprecedented ways in this region. 

Church Leaders:

If you are a church that has said yes to lead worship and spread the word in your county, click here to contact your County Leader with any questions, requests for more flyers, or important information. 

For the Worship Teams:
  • Cross Ministries will provide the tent and sound equipment.
  • You will need to bring your instruments, microphones, and anything else needed to lead worship and prayer. Please let your county leader know what equipment you’re bringing, and if you need any special accommodations to help with transitions.
  • You have full control over your set list, play what you feel the Lord has placed on your heart.
  • We will have someone on-site to help you transition between sets.
  • If you don’t want to use the sound system, you are not required to.  Worship how you’re comfortable!
Tent Etiquette:
  • Our main focus is Jesus, worship and prayer.  If the Lord gives you a word while you’re leading, yes please feel free to share, but remember the heart of this event is simply to worship and adore Jesus.
  • Honor.  We encourage you to honor the church or worship team leading worship.  Please let your words and heart stay in a posture of honor, love, and respect for one another.
  • This is not a time to judge, but a time to uplift our brothers and sisters as we come together in unity and humility, lifting up the name of Jesus. We may not agree on every theological point, but we do agree that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.  
  • Please try and stay flexible, gracious and respectful if any changes need to take place.
  • We also ask you to help us steward the presence of the Lord.  We’re asking everyone attending to be mindful of what God is doing corporately by keeping talk and conversations to a minimum while in the tent. (The Cross Ministries gift shop will be open during the day and the courtyard available at night for when you would like to visit with one another.)
Worship Team Transitions:

Suggestions to help maintain a prayerful atmosphere during transitions:

  • 10 minutes before your set ends, have your team begin to pack up their equipment and have everyone leave the platform except for one person playing a simple chord progression on the guitar or keyboard.
  • The next team can begin setting up their equipment during this time, and when their worship leader is ready, that person can play along with the chord progression, to allow you to time to pack up and leave.
  • Or you can invite someone to come up and pray, lead us in prayer, or share a word from the Lord.
  • We will have an appointed leader stationed nearby to help you with whatever you need for the transition. 
  • There won’t likely be a soundcheck, so please do what you can to practice and plan for the event.
  • Thank you again! Love you and bless you!
Getting the Word Out:

God wants the entirety of your county, so we encourage you to notify each city in your county. If your county has a college, we ask you to get in touch with them to see how they will allow you to spread the word there; community bulletin boards, placing flyers, TV screens, etc.

Ways to spread the word:

  • Place our flyers in libraries, banks, coffee shops, church bulletin boards, etc.
  • Spread the news by word of mouth: A great door opener to sharing the gospel.
  • Set up pre-tent meetings to talk and pray about the event.
  • Mention this event in your Sunday or Saturday services, at your conferences, prayer meetings and small groups.  If you need more flyers, contact your county leader.
  • Be sure and get the youth involved, as this is an event for the generations.
  • Check and see if you have these Christian youth ministries in your area who should be notified: Young Life, Chi Alpha, Cru, Inter-varsity. 
  • Feel free to use images and copy from this website, and the Awaken the Dawn website and Facebook page to create graphics to place on screens. (For colleges, school, and church campuses.) If you need someone to assist you with this, contact your county leader who will get in touch with our media team to help you get materials created.

We are not getting on social media until about a month before the event.  At that time we may create a Facebook event page for it. 

Thank you again for taking part in this event.

Be sure and get in touch with your County Leader if you need anything!

Be blessed!

-Kathy Hommel, Tent Host and Coordinator

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